Monday, July 3, 2017

Interrupting your (nonexistent) normal programming with some news~

Hey everyone!

Contrary to popular belief, I am not dead. I haven't been feeling well these past few months, so I was not up to updating the blog often. I even considered leaving lolita in general. But now I'm back with renewed appreciation for this crazy fashion, even though I cannot wear it as much as I used to.

What does this mean for the blog?

- I'll probably keep doing prompts, just not pushing myself to do them in any particular order so it doesn't feel like a chore.

- Now that my mannequin is no longer broken, I can actually upload monthly 'What's on my Mannequin' posts

- I will cover some recent purchases I've done

- I'm actually going to my first convention tea party soon, so I can talk about prepping for and attending to that as well.

- I have some other events on the horizon as well, so expect a bit of of posting related to those
That is all I have for now. Please let me know if you have anything you'd like to see more of in the blog. I'd be happy to get and respond to recommendations!

Keiko out~!

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